Wednesday, June 11, 2008

T-Shirt of the Day

T-shirt is from a local band. Not only do they rock, but they're good
friends as well. I hear they may have broken up, or at least taken a
break...whatever the case they're missed already. I'm sure all four
guys will show up in other bands soon (or will hopefully regroup). The
band is Space Age Polymers Company (orSAPCo ). I'm
including a video that I took of them on my camera a couple of years
ago at the World Famous Milestone for your
viewing/listening pleasure...


Gotta love the feedback!

1 comment:

The Chick said...

I love how all the videos taken at the WFM always begin with the stupid boy yelling in the background. But I was really surprised not to hear at least some dumbass throw the old 'eat a bag' line.....