Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Danzig's Hips Don't Lie

T-Shirt of the Day

Today's selection is my buddy Gregg's fault. He emailed me the link to it, and knowing my weekness when it comes to both T-Shirts and Star Wars, I ended up buying it. Guitar Solo. You can get this booger at Busted Tees. Many other good shirts there as well, with new shirts and a "12 Shirts for $12 Each" sale every week.


You Tube

I post a lot of videos from You Tube, but there's plenty more good stuff out there. I actually have two You Tube profiles filled with favorites. I started the second because I had reached my limit of 500 favorites on the first. Apparently many of them have been deleted though and I now have more free space on the original (which I've been adding to again as well). Check them both out and you'll find plenty of randomness, oddities, music, and a lot of stuff you might remember from your childhood. Also be sure to check out some of my "subscriptions" for even more goodies...I especially recommend knobbynah, as his taste in the good , the bad and the ugly is very similar to mine (plus Isaac's a good friend I've never met).

Heavy Metal Tuesdays?

Since I posted DragonForce last Tuesday I thought maybe I could try to make a feature out of it. Maybe I should devote other days to other genres of music as well...hmmm...

Anyway, here's some Motorhead for your Tuesday!

Killed By Death

Iron Fist


9 Telltale Signs You're Probably an Asshole

From theMishMash.com

The Shat wants to do whatever Common People do...