Friday, July 18, 2008

I promise...I will return!

Once again, time for a little apology. I still don't know how many readers I have...a few, but not too many. I know of one constant and a few that come here from time to time. I'm sure there are others who never comment and that's fine. What I do here is rather slack blogging. I find things, usually through other blogs, "linkdump"-type sites and occasionally by just typing in certain key phrases in youtube and pass them along. I have not forgotten about my band history, but it may be a little while before I pick up on that again. Also I sort of want to get away from the direction I've taken this thing in...but I've been saying that for a while. My life is a whirlwind right now and I've been a busy guy. Soon though, things will get back to "normal" for me and I shall return...hopefully with a renewed amuse and make you think. I would like to do more of the latter, as well as write more daily observations. Though for the past few months I've been pretty much a shut in. All this should change in the near future. As a matter of fact I have an outing planned thisSaturday and hopefully will have some pictures and stories to go along with it. Look for me to pick up the pace on posting next week...maybe not much, but at least a little. The T-Shirt of the Day may return, or may not. It really didn't add too much to the blog. I would like to continue showcasing my collection, but it may be on a less frequent basis (or the betterscenario would be to move it to it's very own blog and keep it daily and possibly post more than one a day). I do tend to ramble when I write...ifyou can't tell already, but I need to focus more on original content. I know I sound like a broken record in this regard, but I honestly feel like my lfe is getting ready to lend itself to such. Just hang tight and your regularly scheduled programming shall return...