Monday, October 20, 2008

Election 2008

I know it's been a while since I've posted and it will probably be a while before I post again. Even with all the free time I have these days with my lack of work, that time is not necessarily "free" and I do fill my days with important (and not-so-important) stuff.

I did find time to go vote last Thursday though. Depending on which state you live in, you can take advantage of early (or absentee) voting but the time-lines do vary. Here in NC last Thursday marked the first day of early voting and I was there first thing in the morning to do my civic duty (and no, that's not to "bang the booty" for you CB4 fans out there!). I was still greeted with a line to wait in...something that I think is an excellent thing. People seem to be more passionate about voting this year than any and that's a great thing. This is one of the most important elections any of us will ever be involved in. and "involved" is the key word. Make sure you are involved and make sure your voice is heard.

Now I won't divulge who I voted for, though my friends can easily figure this one out. Let's just say I might as well live on the west coast...that has nothing to do with living in a certain state, but if you know your geography you can figure that one out as well. But that's not important. I don't care which side of the aisle you agree with, get out and vote! Do it now if you can...the lines on election day are going to be tremendous this year and you could save yourself a lot of time. you could also save yourself from getting to busy on election day to make it by the polls, or being "too tired" after a hard day at work to bother...excuses I hear every election. And please, don't stop with this should vote every chance you get. I did miss the miss the primaries this year (but will try not to in the future), but as a US citizen I feel it is important for me to get out there and vote com election time.

Once last an independent thinker in most aspects of my life, I applaud those out there who want to make their voices heard in a different way. The only problem with this is that in our current system your voices are rarely heard and many think you are throwing away a vote. By all means, if you want to vote Libertarian or any other way (usually a write-in in most states), go right ahead. Maybe if enough people do, one day things will change and we will have more than two viable parties. Me personally? I feel this election is too important to make a statement vote. Though I have in the past and probably will again in the future do just that, I just couldn't bring myself to do that this year. But whatever you do, I can't stress strongly enough to get out an vote. And really think about what each candidate can do for you. Too often people vote without being informed, so arm yourself with knowledge and really take to heart who's fighting for you. And just remember this...just because a candidate says they won't raise taxed does not mean they will follow through on this promise. There was once a guy who's main campaign promise was "No new taxes" and we all know how that turned out don't we? We can only hope that whoever is our next president makes our lives better (kept promises or not) because right now we're in the worst shape we've been in a very long time.

Time for me to go cut some grass...I've been waiting for it to warm up a bit and the dew to dry. This should be fun!