Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Breaking the rules a little...

Today instead of showcasing one of my t-shirts, I'm going to give you a link to another blog that's all about the most important article of clothing. Just ran across this one today, so don't think I'm ripping it off (though I had to figure the idea was out there). I'm sure there are others and I will link to those in the future.

Funky Duds

Wagon Christ - Receiver

Noit heavy metal despite what the name may lead you to believe. Sort of dance/dub/experimental. I just dig the groovy animation. Plus the song's not bad either with it's 70's exploitation movie vibe.

One of the Greatest Cartoons Ever!

The Three Little Bops

The Bat Poet

Happy Nightmares

Is Vinyl Making a Comeback?

I sure notice a lot more vinyl records at the "record" stores these days...some things being produced again that haven't been on vinyl in years even. The only bad thing is the cost of vinyl has risen significantly, and always being an "on the go" type person I (regrettably) rarely crank up my turntable anymore and usually opt for the CD. I love vinyl and always will, which leads me to wonder why I don't at least buy more used records from time to time.

At least some people are still buying records....