I said I was setting up this blog so I could get away from blogging (I still kind of hate those words, but have grown to begrudgingly accept them) at Myspace so much. Or at least keep certain things over here different from my persona on that site. However I find that the two worlds often do bleed together and that many of my real life friends keep up with me more through the internet than they do in real life...which is fine by me. I'm not fan of the telephone that's for sure.
So I realize today that while my Myspace "friends" weren't left with a cliffhanger, any readers I have here (besides the one I know I have), don't have any resolution. Well, neither do I, but here...you can at least catch up:
Originally posted on Myspace, May 5 2008
What once looked like it was going to be a good thing turned out to be not all it seemed. And believe it or not, I'm happy with the outcome. I get a much needed break and a chance to start fresh, doing something I enjoy...hopefully.
I have been meaning to write this blog for a while, but between being super busy getting things ready to move out for the old company, and the emotional rollercoaster it put me through, I just waited until today...my first day of freedom.
When the new company came in to "save the day" we were all pretty optimistic about it, but when they gave us our "employment packages", none of us were very happy with what they had to offer. They raised our pay slightly...basically enough to cover the difference in their more expensive, yet not nearly as good, insurance. Bad thing was, they wanted to make us all salaried and they already had built in overtime which made our pay significantly less in the big picture. Plus they wanted us to sign a no-compete contract. Now whether or not I would want to stay in the gutter industry (more likely not), I did want that option to remain open. That no-compete contract would prevent that (even though I've been told that they don't always hold up...it was the principle of it all). I even told the guy who was handling all this that I had a feeling that they were going to use us to get the place running, to keep our customers and then replace us down the road with people they could pay less since he had already told us that we made more than they typically paid. He said they weren't that kind of company and wouldn't do that, but I told him he could say that all day, but in the end they could do whatever they wanted and we'd be stuck. This was especially a big deal to Bull (older guy I worked with) since he'd been doing this for over 20 years, his main options are in the gutter industry right now. There were a couple of other things we had issues with and in the end they weren't willing to budge, so we told them, "Thanks, but no thanks". The good thing is the company we did work for was behind us 100% and said they'd support whatever decision we made and wouldn't penalize us for not taking the jobs, severance-wise or unemployment benefits-wise.
I really do have a positive outlook on all of this. I think in the end I'll be much happier and hopefully be doing something I enjoy. Time will tell though, but for now I plan on taking a few weeks off to get some things done I've been planning on but have never gotten around to. Plus mentally I need a break. I won't wait too long to get serious about looking for a job (especially with the job market the way it is) and if something comes my way in the meantime that I just can't refuse I'll definitely jump all over it.
So...what to do now? I think I'll go take a nap! Thank you unemployment!