Monday, June 09, 2008

Wii update

So I box it up and head to the big's not quite local, so the trip there and back is probably costing me $25 or more in my gas guzzler. I wouldn't have even bothered, but my brochure on the replacement plan says you can file a claim online, call a number or take it into the store. I opt for taking it myself because I want this resolved quickly. I get there, and of course stand in line for a while only to find out that I've got to call the number, get them to send me a label and then I have to send it off and wait for my "gift card". Great. Now I wasted half a day, a quarter of a tank of gas and now I'll probably have to wait another month before I can even get a new Wii. Thanks a lot Nintendo for building an obviously crappy system and to Worst Buy for just sucking in general.

The good thing is, the game that's stuck in the system is the one that came with it so I don't have to worry about trying to get back another $50 investment in a game. The bad thing is I've already downloaded crap for the virtual console and I'm probably SOL on that once it's all said and done. I think I will write a nasty letter to Nintendo and see if they won't send me a Wii points card so I can at least get back the stuff I already had. I'm not holding my breath though.

And to top it all off, it's probably just an internal fuse but opening the system would void any warranties I have. And even if it was a fuse it would probably be one that only Nintendo makes. Even though I'm down with technology, I freakin' hate it sometimes.

1 comment:

Sean Lykins said...

I seriously could have fixed your WII! I am a console master! HA