Tuesday, June 03, 2008

T-Shirt of the Day

Slow day today without many finds and I'll be tied up the rest of the day, so time to get this one out of the way...

I can't remember if I got this one from Target or Kohl's...either way I think I only paid about $3 for it and it's an awesome shirt. I have an undying love for nearly everything Jim Henson created, and Sesame Street is no exception (despite the turn it's taken since his death). This is actually one of my favorite pictures of me and I don't know why. No links on this one...good luck finding it if you want one. It's been a few years since I got this one. (photo by Steve Munsell at the The World Famous Milestone)

Oh yeah...so far I've been using photos from my myspace profile. That should change shortly as I have many shirts I need to get pictures of myself in. Look out world, here comes MikeHellander...

The jacket is a whole different story and is now covered in patches. Everything from Iron Maiden to Soviet Military to Nirvana.

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